ZNF408 syntax in human based on all samples
Summary of ZNF408
Gene name: ZNF408, Zinc Finger Protein 408
Number of ZNF408 PWM hits (motifs) on human genome: 124,191
Number of ZNF408 PWM hits (motifs) on human accessible genome: 33,765
Number of summits with ZNF408 motif per sample (min/median/max): 488 / 1,475 / 5,487
Number of summits with ZNF408 footprinting per sample (min/median/max): 16 / 96 / 378
Positional profile of TF binding sites
For each transcription factor, positional profile shows where the factor will bind on the regulatory elements. The positions are relative to those summits of regulatory elements. The data are based on motif or footprinting data.
Motif-based (794,618 extended summits (401bp) with ZNF408 motifs)
Footprinting-based (30,328 extended summits (401bp) with ZNF408 footprinting)
Density profile of TF binding sites
For each transcription factor, density profile shows how many partners (expressed TFs) may bind to the same regulatory elements. The data are based on motifs or footprinting within 201bp summits.
The number of ZNF408 partners on the same summit (Motif-based)
Density profile of all expressed TFs in human (Motif-based)
Red dot is ZNF408.
The number of ZNF408 partners on the same summit (Footprinting-based)
Density profile of all expressed TFs in human (Footprinting-based)
Red dot is ZNF408.
View ZNF408 in a specific human sample

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